Hatching eggs of a gamefowl
Eggs should hatch in 21 days, though some may hatch a day or 2 early, some a day late, after the incubation period began. A "day" is counted as a full 24 hours long, so Day 1 would be the first 24 after setting the egg, Day 2 the next 24 hours etc.If you set eggs on a Sunday, it's usually a safe bet that they will hatch on a Sunday, 3 weeks later. Hatching eggs Select clean, even shaped, undamaged eggs for incubating. Do not store them too long in a pre-incubation. Ideally eggs should be set within a week after being laid and after 10 days the hatch ability of the eggs drops significantly. Shipped eggs should be allowed to rest for 24 hours prior to setting, to allow the contents of the eggs to settle. Place shipped eggs upright, with the fat end of the egg up, in an egg carton, or something similar. Shipped eggs often have damaged air cells. Before putting your eggs into an incubator, plug it in and make sure the temperature is steady. In a forced air incubator (wi...